

Anger- The feeling that most people occur more than any other emotion. One definition of anger is a strong feeling of displeasure and balligerence aroused by a wrong. It can go from minor irritation to intense rage. This feeling can occur when a test goes bad, someone cuts you off the road, you lose in a team sport, and the list goes on and on. To some anger is valued as healthy and helps us deal with threats by releasing stress and anxiety. There are physical traits that can be noticed. What occurs in the face is normally baring down the jaw and intense staring. With the body the look is to appear larger to intimidate. By doing this it shows the agressors to stop what they are doing or saying before physical action may occur. Ways that anger can be valued in our society is through music. Metal has a lot of anger in it which is what seperates it form other genres. In metal a lot of the lyrics are pointed to someone that has pissed them off in the past whether it's personal or political. Hollering and screming is a way to get your point across and to intimidate an opposing party making them look smaller and weaker. It is also valued in a lot of sports teams. Showing aggression before a game is a way to psych up the players before the game making them feel positive and confident in their playing abilities. In discussions people are also more likely to speak more open to an angry person than a happy person since there is minimal worry of offending the other so what may need to be said gets brought up. Anger has surprisingly a lot of posivity but also negative ways which can lead to severe violence or even war which is why it is valued in so many ways.


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