
"No evil propensity of the human heart is so powerful that it may not be subdued by discipline." [((bibcite http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discipline ))]


In its most general sense, “discipline refers to systematic instruction given to a disciple. This sense also preserves the origin of the word, which is Latin disciplina "instruction", from the root discere "to learn," and from which discipulus "disciple, pupil" also derives."[((bibcite http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discipline))]

Discipline, as one may think, may have a negative or positive connotation on a personal level. You may have bad memories of being disciplined as a child or even good memories of discipline. It may cause feeling of failure due to lack of discipline or even a sense of success because of succeeding in disciplinary life style habits. If you think about its most simple original meaning there is discipline going all around the nation, the country, even Billings MT. This discipline can be found in all sorts of venues: work, school, homes, church and many others.
With this meaning in mind, to discipline or to disciple means to instruct or to teach someone or something that is a pupil or something in authority under the disciplinarian or leader. The purpose would be that; the pupil would in turn adopt to a certain pattern of behavior or adhere to a certain order of things. Being that discipline has the negative connotation of following with punishment, discipline in is most effective form is done with the least amount of punishment necessary. Punishment is sometimes necessary in order for the pupil to have further progress and change, and to realize that actions have consequences whether good or bad.
To be disciplined can be a euphemism for punishment or speak of the ability to follow instruction well. It can be received from self or from a disciplinarian.
Self-discipline speaks of a routine that one adheres to in order to have a certain beneficial or desired pattern of behavior to get desired results.
School discipline speaks of the action taken to maintain a set of rules or guidelines laid out to obey. This might include school dress, social behavior or work ethic. It usually speaks of the administration of the consequences of disobedience, rather that the adhering to the rules.
Church discipline refers to a body of denominational participants enforcing rules and laws witch scripture has clearly laid out for members of the certain body. Some examples of a very extreme case would be that of excommunication.
Academic discipline speaks of a disciple adhering to a certain set of knowledge in order to learn this set of knowledge in a place of higher education.

Discipline as a value is very important in order to bring about better citizens and also any change desired personally or in a community. When this value is neglected then there is no progress made in areas such as deepening knowledge and wisdom of problems created by society. Also there is less personal growth in order to function in a society to the highest and most effective degree possible. In looking at the local news in these headlines such as “Man and woman found dead Id’d”, “Woman sentenced for stealing comatose woman’s identity”, FBI announces award in poisoning case”, “Alcohol sales reported to minors reported”, and “Don’t feed the ducks”. If this value was not demoted or neglected among personal citizens there would be more accountability to hold to the said discipline one is under. Also, if people would care more about personal benefit there would be more motivation to be disciplined. Lack of discipline could be linked to any of the following or any combination of the following.
1. procrastination
2. lack of passion or interest for change or betterment
3. laziness
4. lack of self-control

Now, in order to bring back the value of discipline, institutions that have the authority to enforce discipline need to become more active and less neglecting of accountability and motivation of those under the said disciplinary institution. It’s not that we need to come up with more rules and more punishment; but instead to become more active “disciplining” or discipling, teaching and instructing individuals. Change usually starts at an individual level so in order to get rid of these inhibitors of discipline one would need to come to a place where they realize a desire for personal and eventually social betterment.

Related values:
Order,progress, change, health, spiritual growth, obedience, love, Leadership.

1.[((bibcite http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discipline))]

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